
MAMA - 2019

We can say, without taking any risks, that the photographic image can have a memory function. It can become the relic of what goes through time, but at the same time, it must play a role of filter in the creation of a narrative, family for example. Memory is something that we cannot share, and photography therefore becomes this medium that allows us to transmit a vision of the past, certainly chosen, but that comes enlighten the understanding of an event, to allow us to share feelings. In the summer of 2018, I learned that my mother was suffering from cancer and the only logical way to react was in a photographic way.

Family albums are kind of sacred objects, mythical even, an idealized version of lives through fond memories. My goal is, in a way, to deconstruct this idea and reformulate it in relation to what I am experiencing. Create an object that will be "sacred" to me and that revolves around a memory that I would like to remember. 

My research questions "domestic" photography as a form of memory or proof of the past, in a way, as a relic of my life. Any photograph is, for me, fiction and in this sense it only testifies to the intentions of its author.

The relationship to the models was an essential aspect to me, who are my family members in this case. Approaching my parents in an unusual way and capturing moments that go beyond the simple family photo. My family structure was made of these reinvented links that have been woven between its members in the sad context of my mother's illness.

I worked around the positions of my mother's body, the twist of it, I wanted her te feel as if she was possessed or to convey an animal like aspect to some degree. It is obvious to me, when I take these images, that this situation is completely absurd in my mind, how could it be otherwise? In a way, I wanted this to be reflected in the images in a tone of « light poetry ». Remembering my mother at that time was essential to me.

Shortlist Photoforum Prize 2019 - Photoforum Pasquart - Bienne, Switzerland, MAMA, August 2019

Exhibition f’ar, Forum d’Architecture - Lausanne, Switzerland, .RAW, MAMA & Antenna, Jully 2019

Shortlist VFG Nachwuchsförderpreis 2019 - MAMA, Switzerland, June 2019


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